Amazing Waterpolo Acheivement!

This weekend we had 5 Andover players selected for an Inter-regional tournament in Millfield, against London and the South West. Molly Putt, Alice Ross & Megan Ross represented the South East in the under 13s and Megan also played in the under 15s with Abi MacDonald & Lily Ross.

Both teams played very well to secure big wins over London and then went on to lose closely fought matches against strong South West sides.#

A great first taste of regional competition for Molly, Abi & Alice, who all made confident and positive contributions to the matches. Lily & Megan both put in very commanding performances and recorded impressively high Assist, Steal and Goal stats over the course of the weekend.

For a small club like ASWPC to have 25% of their total water polo membership representing their region is no mean feat. If there are any keen swimmers (aged 10-14) interested in giving this fantastic team sport a try, please contact


Club Champs 2022 Results


Ironman 70.3 Complete!